High school (memory) never ends.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Less than a following year I'll go off to college, hopefully :) Well yeah, besides those national final examinations and so on. I am not ready yet, honestly, but I'm so really very more and more EXCITED!!! X)

Starting college reminds me of ending my high school years. Aww, that's too bad. I mean, yes I'm looking forward to study without wearing uniform anymore, but it must be so sad leaving my high school days. I'll miss lolly-gagging with those crazy classmates while we were having a break, or even those killer teachers like the legendary Mr. Thomas (St. Louis 1 SHS Surabaya's students and almamaters must've remembered him much!), who teaches almost 3 generations (oh yeah, he taught our parents!). Speaking of which, this is his last year in Sinlui (St. Louis 1 SHS) too, unfortunately. This year must be hard for him too, I think.

It is indeed ironic that we spend our school days yearning to graduate and our remaining days waxing nostalgic about our school days. One day we'll wave hello, and wish we never had to say good-bye.

Moving on is simple. It's what we leave behind that's hard.