ADaW: Lifetime Best Memories

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My junior-high times was unforgettably lovely. I had 9 bestfriends; Neg, Dhephee, Liz, Jeje, Vinda, Pin-Pin, Cella, Amel, and Oyen. We used to be called "ADaW": Anak Depan WC.

Busy with our school thingy, we hardly ever hang out together anymore. Till 2months ago, one of us was planning to celebrate her sweet 17. Finally, we met each other again! :D

Yes it's us!
(left-right: Vinda, Pin-Pin, Dhephee, Jeje, ME!, Oyen--the birthday girl, Liz, Cella, Neg, Amel)

The birthday cake


We had a really fun time!
I miss yall, besties ;(